The Homemade brand was created in 1968 by Baron Von Leitner, who developed the recipe at his place in Campos do Jordão, mountain region of the state of São Paulo. By then, Homemade jams were totally handmade at his place, where he also grew the fruits used to cook them.
The best deli stores of São Paulo started getting interested in the handmade delights produced in Campos do Jordão and soon Homemade jams conquered consumers throughout the entire state of São Paulo.
Homemade was acquired by CICA at the end of the 70’s, which expanded its distribution all over the country. By the end of the 90’s, after a period of market pulverization and the entry of imported products in Brazil, two businessman from São Paulo bought the brand and made sure to rescue the concept present since the beginning of the jam’s manufacturing, the “homemade” concept, as a way to preserve the true flavour nature offers.